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What is the salary for TRAINING INSTRUCTION in Fort Dix?

Looking for a job as TRAINING INSTRUCTION in Fort Dix? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much TRAINING INSTRUCTION actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, Training instruction in the year 2024 earns per year from 68 981 USD to 132 807 USD

A person working as Training instruction typically earns around 110 803 USD in Fort Dix in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is 104% higher than the average salary in the United States

$102 163 - 132 807 per year

Click on "Learn more about this agency" button below to view Eligibilities being considered and other IMPORTANT information. The primary purpose of this position is to serve as first level supervisor...

$102 163 - 132 807 per year

Click on "Learn more about this agency" button below to view Eligibilities being considered and other IMPORTANT information. The primary purpose of this position is: To serve as first level superviso...

Training Instructor (Vocational Training Instructor - Carpentry) May 17 2024
$72 796 - 110 803 per year

Corrections professionals who foster a humane and secure environment and ensure public safety by preparing individuals for successful reentry into our communities. Our highly-skilled, diverse, and inn...

Training Instructor (Vocational Training Instructor - Plumbing) Oct 05 2023
$68 981 - 89 005 per year

Corrections professionals who foster a humane and secure environment and ensure public safety by preparing individuals for successful reentry into our communities. Our highly-skilled, diverse, and inn...

Training Instructor (Vocational Training Instructor - Welder) Dec 10 2024
$72 796 - 110 803 per year

Corrections professionals who foster a humane and secure environment and ensure public safety by preparing individuals for successful reentry into our communities. Our highly-skilled, diverse, and inn...

Training Instructor (Vocational Training Instructor-Building and Trades) Aug 27 2024
$72 796 - 110 803 per year

Corrections professionals who foster a humane and secure environment and ensure public safety by preparing individuals for successful reentry into our communities. Our highly-skilled, diverse, and inn...

$80 769 - 104 996 per year

Click on "Learn more about this agency" button below to view Eligibilities being considered and other IMPORTANT information. The primary purpose of this position is to serve as a Training Specialist ...